Shariah Based - Question Answer Service!!!



  Last update - 06/23/07 -

You can send us your questions for Shariah based answer and we recommend before you send us your questions please visit the links below to see if your question is already answered. InshaAllah we will get answers for your questions from the Ulema in our reference or refer to appropriate specific location. The turn-around time for the answer to your questions will depend on how busy the Ulema are and complexity of your questions.

For the time being we are making this service available on trial basis. Some of the questions that were answered before are provided in the left menu for visitors reference (some of the questions were summarized). Please contact us at or Shariah Board Of New York (at 718-426-3454) if you have any concern regarding the responses in left menu/archive.

Jazakumullah Khairan



Please email us at with problems, requests, questions, comments or suggestions. :)